Thursday, June 7, 2007

I'm So Excited!!!

Today I rcvd my first lead from the company, I'm so happy! This lady wanted to know when the next party was in our area. I explained that I would be happy to meet with her on the phone or in person.
Also I am getting the nerve up to speak with the Events Department at the hotel where I work; we do weddings here and perhaps I could leave a small display in the office for prospective brides. The opportunities are definately great now and I'm very opptimistic, I'll keep you posted on the outcomes of both of these opportunities!


UB SoCal said...

Awesome about the lead! You will do great!

UB Queen Bee said...

Congrats Tracy! You have such a hot area I can't wait to see what happens there. Don't be afraid of talking to the Events Planner about UB - it will actually give them a leg up on the competition!